In May the fourth film in DreamWorks Animation's Shrek series, "Shrek Forever After - The Final Chapter", was released in cinemas around the world. This was closely followed in June by rival studio Disney/Pixar's "Toy Story 3", making it a great summer for fans of computer animated films.
Both films have, not surprisingly, been massive hits, and now that "the dust has settled" it is quite clear that Toy Story 3 has come out as the overall winner in terms of both critical praise and box-office receipts.
While we're all eagerly waiting for the DVDs/Blu-Rays of the two films to be released, here is an awesome collection of free Flash online games based on both series of films, to keep the fun rolling along:
Shrek Shreds
Shrek 'N' Slide
Shrek: Concentration
Shrek: The Battle of the Belch
Shrek: Eyeball Dropper
Shrek: Ogre Baby Word Scramble
Two different Shrek Forever After desktop wallpaper backgrounds are included with the games, one featuring Shrek and the other featuring Rumpelstiltskin.
Buzz Lightyear: Operation Alien Rescue
Toy Story: Bowl-o-Rama
Buzz Lightyear: Space Ranger Training
Buzz Lightyear: Space Ranger Training 2
Buzz Lightyear: Target Practice
Buzz Lightyear: Galactic Shootout
Toy Story: Woody to the Rescue
Toy Story: Woody's Big Escape
Toy Story: Catch That Moving Van
Buzz Lightyear: Flight for Distance
Toy Story: 2-in-1 Shooting
Toy Story: Jigsaw Puzzles
Toy Story: Memory Match-Up
Toy Story: Woody's Rodeo
Toy Story Lego: The Claw
Toy Story: Etch-A-Sketch
16 different Toy Story 3 desktop wallpaper backgrounds are included with the games, and a special page displaying all 16 wallpapers together can be found here: Toy Story 3 Wallpaper Collection.
You can find all these free goodies, together with lots of other brilliant related games and wallpaper, at my Free Shrek and Other CG Movie Online Games site and my Free Disney and Pixar Online Games site.